
References of the texts of the portfolio

    Michel Layaz, in Voyages immobiles - Insight journey, J.-F. Luthy artist’s book, 2000
    Alec Landau, Blinzeln, Galerie Martin Krebs, Bern, February 2014
    Véronique Mauron, Constructing place, in Jean-François Luthy, 2004
    Kati Moser, Schweizer Illustrierte, November 2011
    Konrad Tobler, Übergänge-Transitions, in Jean-François Luthy, 2011
    Anna Maria Goldoni, Alpes, November 2012
    Philippe Mathoney, Tempo, November 2000
    Véronique Mauron, Distress in nature, in Jean-François Luthy, 2011